Local Artists Participating plus studio numbers:
Francesca Scalpi 42C, Linda Sorenson 94, John Hershey 75C, Lillian Lehman 75A, Cathy Beck 75B, Holly Wallace 74, Pamela Leotta-Wallace 73A and Michelle Carnes 72.
Russian River Artists Participating: Penny Knapp 109A, Doug Carmichael 109B, Karen Lockert 96, Sandra Maresca 110A.
Art at the Source (AATS) began in 1995 as a spring venue for the public to meet working artists, learn about their creative process, and purchase their work in open studios. Operating under the guidance of the Sebastopol Center for the Arts, AATS offers Sonoma County artists a platform to showcase their artwork in their studios, or in combined groups with other artists.
These are some of the SonomaCoastArt artists who will be participating at this year's Art at the Source.