Alaska Day at Fort Ross
The Alaska Native Community at Metini-Fort Ross welcomes all to Alaska Native Day May 17 & 18, 2025. Please join us as we continue to honor our Alaska Native history in the California lands of the Kashia Pomo. We will be celebrating our cultural practices through the sharing of our traditional foods and stories from our elders. Alaska Natives have a long history of relationship to Metini through the Russian hunting expeditions in the 1800’s. Alaska Natives were forcefully brought from their homelands by the Russian American Company to build Fort Ross and hunt sea otters for the benefit of the Russian American Company and at great cost to the Alaska Natives. The Alaska Native community is grateful to the Kashia Pomo for welcoming us on their lands so we may pay tribute to our ancestors and continue to strengthen our community. Please join us to learn more of our Alaska Native history and continuing cultural practices.
Chowder Day
Tickets Go On Sale December 1st, 2024
Chowder Day 2025 on the Sonoma Coast Tickets, Sat, Jan 25, 2025 at 10:00 AM | Eventbrite
Holiday Cheer on the Coast
1st Annual
Holiday Cheer on the Coast
Holiday Lights & Decorating Contest
Visit Sonoma Coast Participating Businesses
(as many times as you like)
November 29th through January 4th
to participate in Holiday Cheer.
Look for specials and savings in the passbook
TO BEGIN: Pick up a Holiday Cheer Passbook & Map
Sonoma Coast Visitor Center, 913 Hwy 1, Bodega Bay CA 94923
Visit participating merchants to stamp your passbook
(no purchase necessary but check out any specials and discounts)
Once you have completed your visits, drop off passbook at Visitor Center. Passbooks with the most visits are entered in a drawing.
Instagram Challenge. Send your photos to: #HolidayCheerontheCoast2024 you will be entered in a drawing.
Cast your vote for the best decorated business in your passbook.
Last day to drop off passbook Saturday, January 4, 2025.
Awards and bragging rights will be given to the best decorated businesses.
Contact: 707-377-4459 or
Catch of the Day Event at the Jenner Community Club
Jenner Community Center Annual Fundraiser
Catch of the Day BBQ in Jenner by the Sea
September 1, 2024
Sunday of Labor Day Weekend
Jenner Community Center
10983 Hwy 1 (behind the Sea Store) - Jenner
Price: $10.00
Jenner Community Center is inviting you to a FUNraiser to support our local Fire Station and Community programs. Live Music with special guests, fabulous Sea food and Veggie plate options with local brews and wine for the adults. Kids activities include free craft booth, hot dogs and ice cream. Community environmental non-profits will provide informational tables.
Come on out to the coast and Chill Out!!!!